My week last week was spent re-topologising, baking, rigging and texturing along with a little engine work.
Once again, UE4 isn't the most flattering of engines. The texturing process was sped up a little since I was able to re-use textures I had already created for Macduff, which isn't the most ideal way to create characters but given the circumstances it was the quickest way to get things done.
As well as this I did a little engine work. I found a tutorial on how to make the camera look first person on a 3rd person blueprint, allowing you to look down at the character you are playing as.
I'm really pleased with how it turned out and feel like it adds an interesting dynamic to our game.
As well as this I edited Jacob's environment painting (but didn't take any screenshots) to make the environment look a little more like our references and break up the materials a bit.
I spent my time this week working on retopologising both King Duncan and Lady Macbeth. I had to do the majority of this by hand as tools such as ZRemesher weren't providing results up to the standard I wanted, which unfortunately slowed down my workflow quite a bit due to wrist issues I have (such as carpal tunnel) limiting the amount of this I could do per day. In the end however I believe it paid off, and I also managed to get King Duncan's normals and ambient occlusion bakes done. I will also use the normals to produce a curvature map to help highlight details. Both my characters sit around the 15k tri mark at the moment, which I think is a reasonable amount for a game of this standard, especially as the characters wont be needing to move a lot or have too much detail. I may go back and edit some topology however, for example, I had to use a lot of triangles on both character's robes as the bottom folds required a higher poly density than the body, and this may not deform very well once rigged.
My next step is to finish the last touches on tidying up Lady Macbeth's low poly, then unwrap and bake her. This will then leave both my models ready to texture.
Not much work was done towards the project this week on my end. I handed off the master engine feel at the end of last week as I knew I was heading home for a while for the holidays and knew that I wouldn't really be able to effectively work on it. So while I was away I just planned for the writing pieces of work we have for the course.
Retopologising and partially complete unwrapping.