Sunday, 3 April 2016

O proper stuff! This is the very painting of your fear


This week was pretty frustrating; labs were closed on Monday and Tuesday which took two days from my work week.

Since I had put aside Macduff it was time to start Macbeth. I had already planned to re-use various elements from Macduff's character to save time so I didn't spend too long on him.

I found doing Macbeth's face and hair so much easier after having done it once with Macduff, so I think it was a wise choice doing him second so I could learn the most beforehand.

I'm quite happy with how he turned out but I recieved some good feedback so I'll spend some time on Monday making some small changes.

In other news we have found somebody to do the voice for Macbeth and Macduff! We'll hopefully be receiving the audio they record soon, although we aim to finish the visuals first to make sure it's all okay for hand in.


This week I had the same issue as well that Hazel had with the fact that labs were only open for three days. However, in this time I managed to finalise Lady Macbeth's sculpt. I used the dress I created for her in Marvelous Designer last week as a base to start sculpting her clothing from, and I also created her accessories using 3DSMax. After bringing it up to the group, I ended up removing the hair sticking out from the front of her veil that is shown in the concept, as realistically it would all be pulled away and hidden underneath it.

Next week will be dedicated to retopologising and baking out both Lady Macbeth and King Duncan.


So we found a fix to our terrain problem! We got some help from a couple of third years who have been experienced similar problems and they had the fix. Apparently if you try and have more than eleven textures in your terrain material then things start to go wrong. So the solution for this was to switch the Sampler Source for all of the texture maps from the default setting to 'Shared: Wrapped' which sorted everything out. We have no idea why this fixes the problem but at least we know the solution now.

So I carried on texturing the terrain to a certain extent. It still needs quite a lot more work when it comes to blending and applying the final moss texture to make it look just right. This, as well as finalising the lighting should make it end up looking really good.

I also noticed that in the stage room, the spot light around the bed (the light on the floor) has disappeared for some reason. So I managed to fix that as well as generally lighten up the room a little more, as it felt too dark and wouldn't be visible from a crowd if there was one.

I also played with the lighting in the hallway leading to the stage which will obviously need more work once the torches are in there.

I also put a fairly dim, warm light in the the room we refer to as the 'entrance hall' just to avoid it being pitch black. Hopefully having the dim point light in the centre of the room will mean that there isn't an obvious light source to just get the room generally lighter.

Still on Easter holiday.

